



  1. 社会交往类交际用语
  2. 情感态度类交际用语
  3. 易混淆交际用语辨析
  4. 交际用语的灵活运用




Good morning.早上好。

Good afternoon.下午好。

Good evening.晚上好。


How are you?你好吗?

How are you doing?你过得好吗?

How are you getting on?你过得好吗?

How are things with you?你近来过得怎么样?

How is everything going? 一切都好吗?


①Hello, Jack. Haven't seen you for a long time(ages) ! How's everything going?


②Oh, hello, Mr Wang.I'm so glad to see you. How're you doing?


③Hi, John! Nice to meet you here. How are you getting on?




-How are you doing?你好吗?

-Fine,and you?很好,你呢?

-Great. What is happening with y。u these days?也很好。你最近有什么事情发生吗?

-Nothing much.没什么。


Please give my regards to sb.请代我向某人问好。

Please give my best wishes to sb.请代我向某人问好。

Please give my love to sb.请代我向某人问好。

Say hello to sb.向某人问好。

Please remember me to sb.请代我向某人问好。

Best wishes to sb.问候某人。

Best regards to sb.问候某人。


①Please give my regards to your family.请代我向你的全家问好。

②Remember me to your teacher.代我向你的老师问好。

③-Well,it is getting late.I must be off now. Nice to meet you.天晚了,我现在必须得走了,见到了你真高兴。

-Nice meeting you. Please give my love to your parents.见到了你我也高兴,请代我向你的父母问好。

-Of course,thank you very much.非常感谢,我一定会替你向他们问好的。


sb send sb's regards to you.某人向你问好。

sb send sb,s best wishes to you.某人向你问好。

sb send sb's love to you.某人向你问好。


Mr Green sends his best wishes to you.格林先生向你问好。



This is…这是……

May I introduce you to…?我可以把你介绍给……吗?

Please allow me to introduce you to…请允许我把你介绍给……

I'd like you to meet my friend,…我想请你见一见我的朋友……


Smith: Good evening,Mr Wang.晚上好,王先生。

Wang: Good evening,Mr Smith.晚上好,史密斯先生。

Smith: Have you met my wife,Mary?你见过我的妻子玛丽了吗?

Wang: No,I haven,t had the pleasure.没见过,我还没有过这种荣幸。

Smith: Mary,this is Mr Wang,rny new Chinese friend.玛丽,这是我的新中国朋友。

Mary:How do you do,Mr Wang.你好,王先生.

Wang: How do you do.你好。


May I introduce myself?I'm…我做一下自我介绍好吗?我是……

How do you do? My name is...你好,我是……

Hi,my name is…你好,我的名字是……

I'm… Happy to know you.我是……,很高兴认识你。


-I am Tom.May I know your name?我是汤姆,我可以知道你的名字吗?

-I am Green.Happy to know you.我是格林,很高兴认识你。


-Are you Chinese?你是中国人吗?

-No,I am Japanese.不,我是日本人。


①-How do you do?你好。

-How do you do?你好。

②一(I'm) glad to meet you.见到你很高兴。

一(I'm) glad to meet you,too.见到你,我也很高兴。

③-(I'm) delighted to know you.见到你我很高兴。

一(I'm) equally delighted to meet you.见到你,我也很高兴。

④ -It's nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

-Same here.见到你也很高兴。


-Hello,Jack. How are you?你好,杰克。你好吗?

-Fine, thank you. I'd like you to meet Jim. He's a friend of mine.


-Nice to meet you,Jim.见到你很高兴,吉姆。

-Same here.我见到你也很高兴。


I'm afraid I must be leaving now.我恐怕得告辞了。

I must be off now.我必须得走了。

It's time I met/did ...I have to go now.是我会见/做……的时候了。我现在得走了。

I think it's time for us to leave now.我想现在是我们告辞的时候了。

It was nice meeting you.遇见你真是太好了。

Nice to have met you。遇见你太好了。


See you later.回头见。

See you tomorrow.明天见。

See you.再见。

Good night。晚安。(用于晚上分别时)


①-Sorry, I'll have to be going. It's getting very late. Good night.


-Good night.晚安。

②-Oh,it is 11 o'clock.I am afraid I must be leaving now.十一点了,恐怕我得走了。

-Thank you for your coming to see me.谢谢你来看我。

-lt is my pleasure.不用谢。



Thank you. /Thanks. /Thanks a lot.谢谢。/非常感谢。

Thank you so much./Thank you very much.多谢。

Thank you very much indeed. /Thanks a million.应该好好感谢你。

I don't know how tothank you.真不知该怎样感谢你。

I'm really grateful to you.非常感谢你。

That's most kind of you./You're kind!你心眼儿真好。/你真好!

Thank you just all the same.同样感谢你的好意。

Thank you anyway/anyhow.无论如何也要感谢你。

It's very considerate of you./It's most thoughtful of you.你考虑得真周到。


You're welcome./Not at all.不必客气。

Don't mention it.不用提了。

It's my pleasure.很乐意。

No trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。

It was the least I could do.这是我应该做的。

I'm glad I could do.我很高兴能这么做。

Thdt’s all right.没关系,不用谢。

It's really nothing at all.算不了什么,不用谢。

I'm delighted to have been able to do that for you.能为你效劳我很高兴。


①-Excuse me. Which is the way to the Centre Hospital?对不起,请问去中心医院的路怎么走?

-Go down this street until you reach the first traffic lights. Turn left. At the end of the road you'll see the hospital.沿着这条街走直到第一个交通灯,向左拐,走到路的尽头,你就会看到医院。

一It is very kind of you to tell me that.告诉我路,你真好,谢谢。

-You are welcome.不用谢。

②-I really like the record you lent me the other day.你前些日子借给我的唱片我很喜欢。

-I'm glad you like it.我很高兴你喜欢它。

-And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.谢谢你让我借了这么长时间。

-Not at all.不用谢。


Good luck (to you)!祝你好运!

Good luck with sth!祝某事顺利!

All the best!万事如意!

All the best in your new job!祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利!

Best wishes to you!祝福你!

I wish you good luck!祝你好运!

I wish you success!祝你成功!

Good journey (to you)!(祝你)一路顺风!

Have a good trip!祝你旅途愉快/一路平安!

Have a nice/good time!祝你过得愉快!


Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!

I'd like to congratulate you on...祝贺你……

Happy New Year!新年快乐!

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

Thank you. The same to you.谢谢,同样助你快乐。


①-It is very kind of you to see me off at the airport.你来机场送我,你真是太好了。

-Don't mention it. Good luck!不必客气,祝你好运!

-The same to you,也祝你好运。

②-Happy New Year!祝你新年快乐!

-Thank you. The same to you.谢谢,同样祝你快乐。

③-Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!

-Thank you.谢谢你。

④一I hope you'll have a good time.祝你过得愉快。

-Thank you.谢谢。

⑤-The concert is going to start.I have to go now. Good-bye!音乐会就要开始了,我得走了。再见。

-Good-bye! Good luck with your performance!再见!祝你演出成功!

⑥-I'll try my best in the exam. See you tomorrow.我会应力把考试考好的。再见。

Good luck to you!祝你走好运!


I'm sorry.对不起。

I'm sorry,but…对不起,我……

Forgive me for...请原谅我……


I'm sorry for/about...(由于)……对不起。

I'm sorry that…(由于)……对不起。

Excuse me(for…)(由于)……请原谅。

I really didn't mean that at all.我根本没那个意思。

I didn't intend to offend you.我真没有惹你生气的意思。

I must apologize for my mistake.我得向你道歉,请原谅我的过错。

Don't worry about it.不要为那件事觉得不安。

That's all right.没关系。

It doesn't matter.没关系。

That's nothing.没关系。/没事。

Not at all.没关系。

Not in the least,一点也不。

Not a bit.没关系。


excuse me和I'm sorry后面可接一个由but引导的句子来补充说明原因,而且but之前常有逗号。可以不译出,但不能换成其他连词,尤其不能换成for。例如:

①-I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.对不起,我给你添了这么多麻烦。

-Not in the least. 一点也不。

②-Sorry to have kept you waiting too long.对不起,让你等了这么久。

-Not at all.没关系。

③-Excuse me for interrupting you.对不起,打断你了。

-That's nothing.没什么。

④-Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the school?对不起,你能告诉我去学校的路吗?

-That's all right. Go straight down the road, and you'll see it on your left.没什么。沿着这条马路一直走,学校就在你的左边。

-Thank you.谢谢。

-My pleasure.不用谢。

⑤-Sorry,but will you repeat it?对不起,请你重复一下好吗?

-That's all right…没什么,……


Will you come to…?你能来……吗?

Would you like to…?你愿意……吗?

I'd like to invite you to...我很想邀请你……

Won't you...?请你……好吗?

Would/Will you please…?请你……好吗?

Yes,I'd love to…行,我乐意…

Sorry,I can't. l've already had plans for tonight.对不起,我不能去,我今晚另有安排。

That's very kind of you,but I'm afraid...感谢你的一番好意,但恐怕我……

Yes, it's very kind/nice of you.行,你真好。

I'd love to,but…我很乐意……,但是……


①-Would you like to come to the party?请你来参加晚会好吗?

-Oh yes,thank you.好的,谢谢。

②-Would you please give us a talk on English learning?请你给我们做一个关于英语学习的报告好吗?

-Yes,I'd love to.好的,我很乐意。

③-Won't you have some cigarettes?你吸烟吗?

-Thank you,but I don't smoke.谢谢,我不抽烟。

④-would you like to come to dinner this evening?今晚你来吃饭怎么样?

  • Sorry,I can't.I've already had plans for tonight.对不起,我不能去,我今晚另有安排。


Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?

Could I help you?我能帮助你吗?

Shall l help you?我能帮助你吗?

What can I do for you?我能帮你什么忙吗?

Is there anything (else)I can do for you?还有什么我能为你效劳的吗?

Let me do sth (for you).让我(替你)做……

Let me carry sth (for you).让我(替你)搬运……

Would you like some...?你要一点……好吗?

Would you like me to…?我帮你……吗?

Do you want me to...?你要我帮你……吗?

Thanks. That would be nice.谢谢,那很好。

Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。


Here,take this/my...这儿,请拿这个/我的……

No,thanks( thank you).I can manage it myself.不,谢谢你,我自己干得了。

That's very kind of you,but…你真好,但是……


①-Would you like a cup of tea?你喝杯茶吗?


②-What can I do for you?您要点儿什么?

一I,d like to have an English-English dictionary.我想要一本英英词典。

③-Can I help you?我能帮你忙吗?

-Yes. Will you help me carry the box upstairs?是的,请你帮我把这个箱子搬到楼上好吗?

-I'd like to.我很乐意。

-That is very kind of you.你真好,谢谢。

-You are welcome.不客气。

④-Is there anything else I can do for you?还有什么我能为你效劳的吗?



Are you/ will you be free this afternoon/ this evening/tomorrow?你今天下午/今天晚上/明天有空吗?

How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening?明天上午/下午/晚上怎么样?

Shall we meet at…?我们在……见面好吗?

Yes,that's all right.好,就这样。

Yes,I'll be free then.好,那时我有空儿。

No,I won't be free then,But I'll be free tomorrow.不行,那时我没空儿。但是我明天有空儿。

All right. See you then.好,那时见。


①-Are you free this evening?你今晚有空儿吗?

-Yes,I'll be free then,是的,我有空儿。

-How about going for a drink together? 一起去喝一杯怎么样?

-All right. See you at six here.好的,那就六点钟在这儿碰面吧。

②-How about going for a swim?去游泳怎么样?

-What time shall we go?我们什么时间去?

-How about tomorrow afternoon?明天下午怎么样?

-Yes, that's all right.行。

-Shall we meet at two at the gate of our school?我们两点钟在学校门口碰面好吗?

-All right. See you then.好,那时见。


May I...?我可以……吗?

Can/Could I…?我能……吗?

I wonder if I could...我不知道我能否……

Would/Do you mind if I…?如果我……,你介意吗?



Of course (you may).当然(你可以)。

That's OK.可以。

That's all right.可以。

Go ahead,please.行,尽管做吧。

Not at all. 一点儿也不。

I'm sorry,but…对不起,……

You'd better not.你最好别那样。

I'm sorry you can't.对不起,你不能。


①-Would you mind if I opened the window?如果我把窗户打开,你介意吗?

-Not at all. Go ahead.一点儿也不介意,打开吧。

②-I wonder if I could smoke here.不知我是否可以在这里吸烟。

-I am sorry,you can't.对不起,你不能在这儿吸烟。

③-May I ask you several questions?我可以闯你几个问题吗?

-Yes,of course.当然可以。

④-I wonder if you mind looking at my throat for a minute?劳驾您看看我的嗓子好吗?

-Of course not.当然可以。



would/Could/Can you ring...?表示“请你给……打电话好吗?”句中ring意思是“给某人打电话”。除了用ring外,还可用call,call up,telephone等。Can you...?用得最普遍;Could/Would you…?用在正式场合,表示更加有礼貌。


The line is busy.I can't get through.电话占线,我打不通。

I'll try again later.我过一会儿再打。


Hello,(name or telephone number).你好,(通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)。

Hello, is that... speaking?你是……吗?

Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?

Who is speaking/calling,please?请问你是谁?


Is...in/ at home?某某在家吗?

Can/May/Could I speak to…,please?请……接电话好吗?

Would you tell him my telephone number,please?请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?

Can/Could you ask... to ring me back,please?请叫……给我回个电话好吗?


Yes,(this is)… speaking.是的,我是……

Yes, it's… here.我是……

Hold on/ Wait a minute/ One moment, please.请等一等。

I'm sorry,… is not in/at home now.对不起,……现在不在。

Can I take a message?我能给你捎个口信吗?

Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?



Would you please come in?您请进。

Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?请等几分钟,好吗?

May I have your order,please?您点好菜了吗?

Here is our menu.这是我们的菜单。

Take your time,please.(客人看菜单时)请慢慢看。/(客人用餐时)请慢用。


Is there any free seat?有空位吗?

May I look at your menu?我可以看一下菜单吗?

I'd like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.我想要一些火腿、鸡蛋和一大块优质牛排。

I'll have a nice long glass of beer.给我来一大杯优质啤酒。

I have booked a table for two.我已经预订了一张两个人的餐桌。


What's the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

How is the weather in…?……的天气怎么样?

How do you like this weather?你喜欢这种天气吗?

What's the temperature today?今天温度是多少?

It's fine/cloudy/windy/rainy...今天是晴天/多云/有风/雨天……

It's getting cold/warm.天气变得寒冷/暖和了。

It's rather warm/cold today,isn't it? 今天天气相当暖和/寒冷,不是吗?



What can I do for you?您想买点什么?

May/Can I help you?您要买点什么?

Anything I can do for you?您要买点什么?

Are you being served?您想买点什么?


What size do you wear/take,sir?你穿多大尺寸的,先生?

Do you like this style?你喜欢这种款式吗?

How/What about this size?这个尺寸如何?


I want/ I'd like...我想要……

Do you sell children's…?你们卖儿童的……吗?

Will you show me some...?你能把……拿给我看看吗?

I'm just looking,thanks.我只是看看,谢谢。



There's something wrong with...……有点毛病。

I haven't been feeling well recently.最近我感到不舒服。

I'm not myself today.今天我不舒服,

I've got a headache.我头痛。

I feel terrible.我感到很难受。

I don't feel well this morning.今天早上我感到不舒服。

I've got a pain here.我这儿痛。


What's wrong with you? /What's the matter/trouble with you?你怎么了?

Where does it hurt?你哪里痛?

Let me take your temperature.我给你量一下体温。

Open your mouth and say “Ah…”.张开嘴,说“啊……”。

How long have you been like this?你像这样有多长时间了?

How are you feeling todaY?你今天觉得怎么样?


  1. -Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? _____ .

    A.It's your opinion

    B.I don't mind

    C.It's all up to you

    D.That's your decision

答案:C。考查交际用语。本题中问话者是在向对方征求意见,C项“It's all up to you”意思是“由你决定”,刚好符合语境。其他三项不合语言习惯。句意:“我们立刻去看艺术展好吗?”“你决定吧。”