[语法][初中]连词专项 I





◎ 名师点睛


◎ 连词专项学习



  1. both...and如果连接并列主语,若需要考虑谓语动词或助动词的单复数,他们须用复数(实义动词用原形),如:

(1)Both Jack and she walk to school.

not only...but also,neither...nor和either...or如果连接并列主语,若需要考虑谓语动词或助动词的单复数,他们须根据“就近原则”,如:

(2)Not only he but also Kate prefers dance.

(3)Neither she nor we want to lose the game.

(4)Either my mother or my sister cooks for us.

as well as 连接并列主语,若需要考虑谓语动词或助动词的单复数,它应当与前面的主语保持一致,如:

(5)Tom as well as his brothers was playing.


2.引导条件状语从句的if(如果)与引导时间状语从句的when(当……时),while(当……时),as(当……时)/until/till(直到),since(自从),as soon as(一……就),after(在……之后),before(在……之前),其主句如果用将来时(祈使句与带情态动词的谓语动词也表将来),从句用一般现在时(即“主将从现”的说法)。如:

(1)If it is fine tomorrow, we can go to the zoo with you.

(2)I will not lend him another book until he returns the old one to me.




1.This dress is beautiful, ______ it fits me well.

  1. ______ Kate ______ Lily loves sports. They exercise together.

3.Jim ______ his classmates was running when I saw him.

  1. ______ New York ______ London are big cities in the world.

  2. ______ Jack ______ Tom likes reading.They never buy books.

6.They are all new students, ______ I'm not.

7.Have one more try, ______ you will not succeed.

8.My computer is new, ______ it is too expensive.

9.Do you want to stay at home ______ go shopping with us?

  1. ______ you ______ I clean the room. We should take turns.

11.My brother is ill, ______ I have to stay at home to look after him.

12.I don't know ______ she can speak Russian or not.

  1. ______ you are in Hangzhou, can you buy me some tea?

  2. ______ you have a few more days' rest, you'll feel better.

15.Jim has been in the factory for two years ______ he left school.

16.I was practicing the piano ______ the telephone rang.

17.John fell asleep ______ he was listening to the music.

18.Miss Lee made Tom finish the work ______ he went home.

19.I will call my parents ______ my flight arrived in London.

20.She won't believe you ______ she sees it with her own eyes.

  1. ______ you call me at midnight, I'll answer the phone.

22.I can't lend my bike to you ______ you can pay me ¥ 10.

  1. ______ it doesn't rain, they will have a picnic tomorrow.

24.I believe you'll make progress ______ you work harder.

25.We love spring ______ there are beautiful flowers everywhere.

  1. ______ she met many difficulties, she didn't give up her work.

  2. ______ Kate wants to meet, mom will ask her or his name.

28.It is ______ a nice toy ______ every child wants to buy one.

29.They felt ______ excited ______ they didn't know what to say.

30.I think Jim speaks ______ well ______ Kate does.

31.Abe doesn't write ______ carefully ______ Maria.

32.Kangkang arrived at school earlier ______ his sister did.

33.We didn't stop working ______ we finished our task on time.

34.Jack got up early ______ he could catch the early bus.

35.They drew a picture ______ their art teacher did at that time.


1.and 2.Not only but also 3.as well as 4.Both and 5.Neither nor 6.while 7.or 8.but 9.or 10.Either or 11.so 12.whether 13.When 14.After 15.since 16.when 17.while 18.before 19.as soon as 20.until 21.Even if 22.unless 23.If 24.as long as 25.because 26.(Al)though 27.Whoever 28.such that 29.so that 30.as as 31.so/as as 32.than 33.until/before 34.so that 35.as